The Speed from Braking Distance calculator estimates the initial speed based on the distance to stop a vehicle (d) and the a braking coefficient (μ).
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Speed from Braking Distance (v): The calculator returns the speed (v) in kilometers per hour. However this can be automatically converted to other velocity units (e.g. miles per hour) via the pull-down menu.
Friction Coefficients
0.05 |
Very Slippery Conditions |
0.7 |
Normal Dry Conditions |
0.9 |
Ideal Breaking Conditions |
The Math / Science
The formula for the initial velocity from the breaking distance is:
`v = sqrt( 2 * mu * g* BD)`
The Braking distance refers to the distance a vehicle will travel when its brakes are fully applied to when it comes to a complete stop. It is primarily affected by the original speed of the vehicle and the coefficient of friction between the tires and the roads surface, and negligibly by the tires rolling resistance and vehicle's air drag. The type of brake system in use only affects trucks and large mass vehicles, which cannot supply enough force to match the static frictional force.
The breaking distance is one of two components of total stopping distance. The following formula is used to calculate the braking distance:
Braking Coefficient
The Braking Coefficient is a coefficient of kinetic friction. For accident reconstruction on dry surfaces, a value of 0.7 is often used. This is the default value in this calculator. A modern car with computerized anti-skid brakes may have a friction coefficient of 0.9 - or even far exceed 1.0 with sticky tires.
Vehicle Calculators
- Approach (Departure) Angle: Computes the maximum angle of a ramp onto which a vehicle can climb without scraping.
- Degree to Percent Grade: Converts a grade to a degree angle.
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- Camber offset - Wheel camber (tilt) calculation of offset
- Breakover Angle: Compute maximum angle that a vehicle can drive over without the ground touching the vehicle's undercarriage.
- Time to Overtake: Computes the time for one object to overtake another.
- Distance to Overtake: Computes distance traveled to overtake another.
- Speed to Overtake: Computes the average velocity to overtake another.
- Distance Traveled: Computes the distance traveled over a period of time.
- Speed from Skid Marks: Estimates the speed of a vehicle based on length of skid marks.
- Braking Distance: Estimates distance to stop a vehicle based on initial velocity and braking coefficient.
- Total Stopping Distance: Computes the distance to stop a vehicle based on the initial velocity, reaction time and a braking coefficient.
- Speed from the Braking Distance: Estimates the initial speed based on the distance to stop a vehicle and the a braking coefficient.
- Used Car Price Comparison: Estimates the better value between two vehicles based on their mileage, cost and expected lifespan (miles).
- Belt Length: Computes the length of a belt that goes around two pulleys based on the pulley diameters and the distance between the axles.
- Belt Speed: Computes the speed at which a linear length of belt travels around a pulley based on the diameter of the pulley and the rotation rate.
- Pulley RPMs: Computes the RPMs of a pulley based on the belt speed and diameter of the pulley.
- 2nd Pulley RPMs: Computes the RPMs of a second pulley based on the the RPMs and Diameter of the first pulley and the diameter of the second pulley.
- 2nd Pulley Diameter: Computes the diameter of a second pulley based on the RPMs and diameter of the first pulley and the RPMs of the second pulley.
- RPM of 4th pulley on three shafts: Computes the RPMs (rotation rate) of a pulley when the RPM and Diameters are known for a series of pulleys on three axles.
- 2nd Gear RPM: Calculates the RPMs of a second gear when the RPMs and number of teeth are known for the first gear and the number of teeth of the second gear is known,
- 2nd Gear Torque: Calculates the torque of a second gear when the torque and number of teeth are known for the first gear and the number of teeth of the second gear is known,
Formula and definition are from Wikipedia (