The Generic Weight calculator computes the approximate weight or mass of a volume (V) of a designated substance.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose your preferred volume units and enter the following:
Generic Weight: The calculator computes the weight or mass of the volume of the substance in kilograms. However, this can be automatically converted into other weight and mass units via the pull-down menu.
The equation for the mass as a function of density and volume is as follows:
This equation lets the user enter the volume of a substance (e.g. wet packed sand), and it uses the volume and the mean density of the substance from a table lookup to compute an approximate weight or mass of the volume. The default units for the volume are cubic yards. However, vCalc provides the automatic conversion between numerous volume units. The user can simply choose different units in the Volume pull-down menu.
The mean density is provided in the default units of kilograms per meters cubed, but vCalc provides the automatic conversion to other density units including:
The list of substances and their mean densities have been compiled from a large number of public sources. The substances include the following:
Acetic Acid ,Acetone,Acetonitrile,Actinium,Afromosia,air,Alcohol - ethyl,Alcohol - methyl,Alcohol - propyl,Alfalfa - ground,Alum - lumpy,Alum - pulverized,Alumina,Aluminum - 1100,Aluminum - 6061,Aluminum - 7050,Aluminum - 7178,Aluminum - melted,Aluminum - oxide,Aluminum (aluminium),Aluminum foil,Ammonia (aqua),Ammonia gas,Ammonium Nitrate,Ammonium Sulphate - dry,Ammonium Sulphate - wet,Analine,Andesite - solid,Antifriction metal,Antimony,Apple wood,Apples,Arsenic,Asbestos - shredded,Asbestos rock,Ash - black,Ash - white,Ashes - dry,Ashes - wet,Aspen wood,Asphalt - crushed,Automobile oils,Babbitt,Bagasse,Bakelite - solid,Baking powder,Balsa,Bamboo,Barite - crushed,Barium,Bark - wood refuse,barley,Basalt - broken,Basalt - solid,Bauxite - crushed,Beans - castor,Beans - cocoa,Beans - navy,Beans - soy,Beer (varies),Beeswax,Beets,Bentonite,Benzene,Benzil,Beryllium,Copper - beryllium,Bicarbonate of soda,Birch (British),Bismuth,blood,bone,Bones - pulverized,Borax - fine,Bran,Brass,Brass - 60/40,Brass - admiralty,Brass - casting,Brass - red,Brass - rolled and drawn,Brass - yellow,Brewers grain,Brick - chrome,Brick - common red,Brick - fire clay,Brick - magnesia,Brick - silica,Brine,Bromine,Bronze - Aluminum (3-10% Al),Bronze - lead,Bronze - Manganese,Bronze - phosphorous,Bronze (8-14% Sn),Brushed metal,Buckwheat,Butane,Butter,Butyric Acid,Cadmium,Caesium,Calcium,Calcium carbide,Caliche,Caproic acid,Carbolic acid,carbon,Carbon - powdered,Carbon - solid,Carbon dioxide,Carbon disulfide,Carbon monoxide,Carbon tetrachloride,Cardboard,Carene,Castor oil,Cedar - red,Cement - clinker,Cement - mortar,Cement - portland,Cement - slurry,Cerium,Chalk - fine,Chalk - lumpy,Chalk - solid,Charcoal,Chloride,Chlorobenzene,Chloroform,Chocolate - powder,Chromic acid - flake,Chromium,Chromium ore,Cinders - Coal - ash,Cinders - furnace,Citric acid,Clay - compacted,Clay - dry excavated,Clay - dry lump,Clay - fire,Clay - wet excavated,Clay - wet lump,Clover seed,coal - anthracite,Coal - Anthracite - broken,Coal - Anthracite - solid,coal - Bituminous (loose),Coal - Bituminous (broken),Coal - Bituminous,coal - lignite,Cobalt,Cobaltite ( cobolt ore ),Coconut - meal,Coconut - shredded,coconut oil,Coffee - fresh beans,Coffee - roast beans,Columbium,common red brick,concrete,Concrete - Asphalt,Concrete - Gravel,Concrete - Limestone with Portland,Constantan,Copper,Copper ore,Copper sulfate - ground,Copra - expeller cake chopped,Copra - expeller cake ground,Copra - meal - ground,Copra - medium size,Cork - ground,Cork - solid,Corn - grits,Corn - on the cob,Corn - shelled,Cotton,Cotton seed oil,Cottonseed - cake - lumpy,Cottonseed - dry - de-linted,Cottonseed - dry - not de-linted,Cottonseed - hulls,Cottonseed - meal,Cottonseed - meats,Cottonwood,Creosote,Cresol,Crude oil - 32.6ø API,Crude oil - 35.6ø API,Crude oil - 40ø API,Crude oil - 48ø API,Crude oil - California,Crude oil - Mexican,Crude oil - Texas,Cryolite,Cullet,Culm,Cumene,Cupronickel,Cyclohexane,Cyclopentane,Cypress,Decane,Delta metal,Dichloromethane,Diesel fuel oil 20 to 60,Diethyl ether,Diethylene glycol,Dimethyl Acetamide,Dimethyl Sulfoxide,dirt,Dodecane,Dolomite - lumpy,Dolomite - pulverized,Dolomite - solid,Douglas Fir,Duralumin,Earth - dense,Earth - Fullers - raw,Earth - loam - dry - excavated,Earth - moist - excavated,Earth - packed,Earth - soft loose mud,Earth - wet - excavated,Ebony,Electrum,Electrum,Elm ( English ),Elm ( Rock ),Elm ( Wych ),Emery,Eroded metal,Ethane,ethanol,Ether,Ethyl Acetate,Ethyl Alcohol,Ethyl Ether,Ethylamine,Ethylene Dichloride,Ethylene glycol,Europium,fat,Feldspar - pulverized,Feldspar - solid,Fertilizer - acid phosphate,fire clay brick,Fish - meal,Fish - scrap,Flax,Flaxseed - whole,Flint - silica,Flour - wheat,Flue dust,Fluorine refrigerant R-12,Fluorspar - lumps,Fluorspar - pulverized,Fluorspar - solid,Formaldehyde,Formic acid 10% concentration,Formic acid 80% concentration,Freon - 11,Freon - 21,Fuel oil,Fullers Earth - raw or burnt,Furan,Furforol,Galena ( lead ore ),Gallium,Garbage - household rubbish,Gas oils,Gasoline - Petrol,Germanium,Glass - broken or cullet,glass - common,glass - densest flint,glass - lead crystal,Glass - window,Glucose,Glue - animal - flaked,Glue - vegetable - powdered,Gluten - meal,Glycerin,Glycerol,Glyme,Gneiss - bed in place,Gneiss - broken,Gold,Grain - Barley,Grain - Maize,Grain - Millet,Grain - Wheat,Granite - broken,Granite - solid,Graphite - flake,Gravel - dry 1/4 to 2 inch,Gravel - loose - dry,Gravel - wet 1/4 to 2 inch,Gravel - with sand - natural,Gummite ( uranium ore ),Gypsum - broken,Gypsum - crushed,Gypsum - pulverized,Gypsum - solid,Hafnium,Halite (salt) - broken,Halite (salt) - solid,Hastelloy,Hemp,Heptane,Hexane,Hexanol,Hexene,Hydrazine,Hydrochloric acid 40%,ice,Ice - crushed,Ilmenite,Indium,Iodine,Ionene,Iridium,Iroko,iron,iron - Cast,iron - ore (Hematite),iron - Wrought,Iron oxide pigment,Iron Pyrites,Iron sulphate - pickling tank - dry,Iron sulphate - pickling tank - wet,Isobutyl Alcohol,Iso-Octane,Isopropyl Alcohol,Isopropyl Myristate,Ivory,Kaolin - green crushed,Kaolin - pulverized,Kerosene,Lanthanum,Larch,Lead,Lead - red,Lead - white pigment,Leather,Light alloy based on Al,Light alloy based on Mg,Lignite - dry,Lignum Vitae,Lime - hydrated,Lime - quick - fine,Lime - quick - lump,Lime - stone - large,Lime - stone - lump,Lime - wet or mortar,Limestone - broken,Limestone - pulverized,Limestone - solid,Limonite - broken,Limonite - solid,Linolenic Acid,Linseed - meal,Linseed - whole,Linseed oil,Lithium,Locust - dry,lupins,magnesia brick,Magnesite - solid,Magnesium,Magnesium oxide,Magnesium sulphate - crystal,Magnetite - broken,Magnetite - solid ( iron ore ),Mahogany ( African ),Mahogany ( Honduras ),Malachite ( copper ore ),Malt,Manganese - solid,Manganese oxide,Manganin,Manure,Maple,Marble - broken,Marble - solid,Marl - wet - excavated,MEK,Mercury,Methane,Methanol,Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK),Methyl Isobutyl Ketone,Methyl n-Propyl Ketone,Methyl t-Butyl Ether,Mica - broken,Mica - flake,Mica - powder,Mica - solid,milk,Milk - powdered,Molybdenum,Molybdenum ore,Monel,Mortar - wet,Mud - fluid,Mud - packed,muscle,N -N-Dimethylformamide,Naphtha,Naphtha - wood,Napthalene,n-Butyl Acetate,n-Butyl Alcohol,n-Butyl Chloride,Neodymium,Nichrome,Nickel,Nickel - rolled,Nickel 20,Nickel 200,Nickel ore,Nickel silver,Nickel silver,Nickeline,Nimonic,Niobium,Nitric acid - 91%,Nitrogen,N-Methylpyrrolidone,n-Propyl Alcohol,Nylon,Oak,Oak - red,Oats,Oats - rolled,Ocimene,Octane,o-Dichlorobenzene,Oil - petroleum,Oil cake,olive oil,Olive oil,Osmium,Oxygen,Oxygen (liquid),Oyster shells - ground,Palladium,Palmitic Acid,Paper - standard,Peanuts - not shelled,Peanuts - shelled,Peat - dry,Peat - moist,Peat - wet,Pecan wood,Pentane,Pentane,Petroleum Ether,Phenol,Phosgene,Phosphate rock - broken,Phosphorus,Phytadiene,Pine ( Canadian ),Pine ( Oregon ),Pine ( Parana ),Pine ( Red ),Pinene,Pitch,Plaster,platinum,Platinum ore,Plutonium,Porcelain,Porphyry - broken,Porphyry - solid,Potash,Potassium chloride,Potatoes - white,Propane,Propane - R-290,Propanol,Propylene,Propylene Carbonate,Propylene glycol,Pumice - stone,Pyridine,Pyrite (fool's gold),Pyrrole,Quartz - lump,Quartz - solid,Quartz sand,Rape seed oil,Redwood ( American ),Redwood ( European ),Resin - synthetic - crushed,Resorcinol,Rice - hulled,Rice - rough,Rice grits,Rip-Rap,Rock - loose shovel,Rosin,Rosin oil,Rubber - caoutchouc,Rubber - ground scrap,Rubber - manufactured,Rye,Sabiname,Salt - course,Salt - fine,Salt cake,Saltpeter,Sand - dry,Sand - loose,Sand - rammed,Sand - water filled,Sand - wet,Sand - wet - packed,Sand with Gravel - dry,Sand with Gravel - wet,Sandstone - broken,Sandstone - solid,Sawdust,Sewage - sludge,Shale - broken,Shale - solid,Shells - oyster,Silane,Silk,Silver,Sinter,Slag - broken,Slag - crushed,Slag - furn. granulated,Slag - solid,Slate - broken,Slate - pulverized,Slate - solid,Snow - compacted,Snow - freshly fallen,snow (depth hoar),snow (firn granular),snow (glacier ice),snow (new damp),snow (settled),snow (very wet),snow (wind packed),Soap - chips,Soap - liquid,Soap - powdered,Soap - solid,Soapstone talc,Soda Ash - heavy,Soda Ash - light,Sodium,Sodium Aluminate - ground,Sodium Hydroxide ,Sodium Nitrate - ground,Solder 50/50 Pb Sn,Sorbaldehyde,Soy beans - whole,Soya bean oil,Spruce ( Canadian ),Spruce ( Sitka ),Starch - powdered,Stearic Acid,steel,steel - Stainlessÿ,Stone - crushed,Stone (common - generic),Styrene,Sugar - brown,Sugar - granulated,Sugar - powdered,Sugar - raw cane,Sugar solution 68 brix,Sugarbeet pulp - dry,Sugarbeet pulp - wet,Sugarcane,Sulphur - lump,Sulphur - pulverized,Sulphur - solid,Sulphuric Acid 95% conc.,sun,Sunflower oil ,Sycamore,Taconite,Talc - broken,Talc - solid,Tanbark - ground,Tankage,Tar,Teak,Terpinene,Tetrahydrofuran,Tin,Titanium,Tobacco,Toluene,Trap rock - broken,Trap rock - solid,Triethylamine,Trifluoroacetic Acid,Tungsten,Turf,Turpentine,Uranium,Vanadium,Walnut - black - dry,water,Water - sea,Whale oil ,Wheat,Wheat - cracked,White metal,Willow,Wood chips - dry,Wool,Zinc,zinc - ore (Hemimorphite),Zinc oxide,zince - ore (Smithsonite ),Zirconium
The mean density values are useful in calculating the mass and weight of object containing or comprised of the substance.