Business is a human activity that entails regular production and distribution of goods and services with the aim of earning profits under uncertain market conditions.
Featured Business and Economics Calculators
Microeconomics Calculator: 17 functions related microeconomics including demand, price, income, profit, surplus and elasticity.
Macroeconomics Calculator: 24 functions related to macroeconomics including GDP, Inflation, Surplus, Producer, Consumer, Imports, Exports, Currency, Domestic and International.
Hospitality Industry Calculator: 67 functions related to hotels, food services, restaurants, cost, labor, pricing, turnover, occupancy, sales, ADR, GOP-PAR, forecast, margins and more.
Personal Finance Calculator: 10 functions on loans, interest, credit cards, cash flow, present and future value and annual growth rate (CAGR)
Price Comparison Calculator: 5 functions to compare prices between items by length, area, volume, weight in similar or different units and in different currencies if needed.