Navigation Calculators
Haversine Distance (decimal degrees)
Compute the Distance Between two Points on the Earth (Great Circle Arc)
Haversine Distance (Degrees, Minutes and Seconds)
Compute the Distance Between two Points on a Sphere (Great Circle Arc) using degrees, minutes and seconds verses decimal degrees.
Rhumb Line Azimuth
: Computes the azimuth heading one can navigate for a path that crosses all meridians of longitude at a constant angle.
Rhumb Line Distance
: Computes the distance traveled between two points on the globe if traveled via a rhumb line.
Travel Time between Coordinates
Compute the time to travel between two location (latitudes and longitudes) based on a average speed
Navigation Speed
: Computes the required average speed needed to go between coordinates on a great circle arc within a given amount of time.
Distance to Sea Level Horizon
Computes the distance to the sea horizon at an altitude
Correction Angle
navigation equation that compensates for air or water currents.
Distance to Sea Level Horizon
: Compute the distance to the horizon based on a height above the orb using a spherical Earth model.
Decimal Degrees
Compute decimal degree angles from degrees, minutes and seconds
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