This is the abortion rate, representing the number of induced abortions occurring in a specified reference period (e.g., one year) per 1,000 women of reproductive age (15-44 or 15-49).
Mixing ratio is explained as the ratio of the mass of water vapor and the mass of dry air.
Africa uses six time zones. From West to East the time zones in Africa are Cape Verde Time (UTC/GMT -1), Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT +0), West Africa Time (UTC/GMT +1), Central Africa Time (UTC/GMT +2), East Africa Time (UTC/GMT +3), and Mauritius Time and Seychelles Time, both of which are (UTC/GMT +4.)
The number of births occurring during a given year or reference period per 1,000 women of reproductive age classified in single-or five-year age groups
The Air Change Rate calculator computes the number of times per hour the air in a space changes based on the flow rate of fresh air (q) and the volume of the space (v).
The strength of an air curtain is the maximum potential differential pressure it can resist. The potential pressure resistance generated by an airflow through an inlet opening can be expressed as
The Air Speed calculator computes the air speed of an aircraft based on the static local atmospheric pressure (PS), the total pressure (PT) and the density of air (`rho`).
Foundation loading defines the ability of the soil to support loads applied to the ground. This equation defines a safety limit for the maximum bearing stress that can be applied to a foundation such that it is safe against instability due to shear failure. This ensures the maximum tolerable settlement is not exceeded.
all the models of the car make Audi that are commonly imported to Kenya all these cars are used cars.
Alfa romeo