COCOMO Estimation Eqns This calculator will present as a palette of buttons which provide access to all of the Equations and functionalities which have been coded into vCalc. |
Default Collection |
Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) The Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) calculator computes of the volume of liquid water contained in rain or snow pack defined by area, depth and snow type or rain. |
Wind Chill Equiv. Temp. (WCET) Fun Equation. I made a Dataset Table which has data from NOAA about equivalent wind chill tempertures. This is different than Wind Chill Factor. |
Wind Chill Factor table data This data table contains the Equivalent Wind Chill Temperatures for a given range of Fahrenheit temperatures and a range of Wind Speeds (MPH) |
Wind Chill Index (North America) The Wind Chill Index calculator computes the wind chill index based on the air temperature and the velocity of the wind. |
Wind Chill Index (Original, Vintage) The Wind Chill Index is popularly known as the Wind Chill Factor. It is a calculation of the perceived decrease in temperature which is experienced when wind blows across an exposed surface. The original formula was usually calculated and distrubuted as a table for looking up the wind chill, and the value sometimes became known as the wind chill equivalent temperature (WCET). |