The Corn Grain Yield calculator estimates the amount of corn produced in a field based on the acres (a), the results of a 1,000th acre sample including the number of ears in the (ears), the size estimate of your sample kernels (s), the average kernels per ear (KPE) in your sample.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following information from your 1000th acre sample:
CORN YIELD: The calculator returns an estimate of the bushels of corn for a the number of acres specified. A more accurate Corn Yield Estimation is available in the CORN YIELD ESTIMATION CALCULATOR. It has a step by step process and includes moisture corrections for a more accurate estimation of corn yield. For a Simple Corn Yield, CLICK HERE.
Note: the rounded ends of the head are not considered since the combine will often not collect those kernels.
The following information is provided for the convenience of the farmer. It is based on publicly available sources and includes average yields by crop and state, and a price survey of corn, wheat and soybean in dollars per bushel. Note: your yield will differ from the averages due to local conditions, and the price per bushel will be different due to quality of the crop and timing of when it's sold in the market. Nonetheless, this data used in this calculator with your amount of land is a reasonable place to start.
US Corn Price Survey:
The average acre of corn planted in the United States in 2020 yielded 172 bushels of corn (see below). A farmer can compute a good estimation of corn yield while the corn is still standing based on a 1000th acre row survey of their own field using their own acreage and a moisture correction factor. The Corn Yield Estimation Calc walks through the process. In the absence of a personal estimate, the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides statistics by state and year. Note, current weather conditions greatly affect corn yield.
In the U.S. Department of Agriculture Crop Production 2020 Summary report, the following information on Yield per Acre
Kernel size affect kernels per bushel:
Corn Calculators: