The Density of Wood function provides the mean density (ρ) of over 100 types of natural woods.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
Density of Wood (ρ): The function returns the density in kilograms per cubic meter. However this can be automatically converted to compatible units via the pull-down menu.
Different types of wood have different naturally occurring densities. This utility is based on the densities in the following table.
Common Name of Wood | Botanical Name | Density (kg/m³) |
Alder | Alnus | 380.01 |
Applewood or wild apple | Pyrus malus | 745.00 |
Ash (black) | Fraxinus nigra | 526.00 |
Ash (blue) | Fraxinus quadrangulata | 603.00 |
Ash (green) | Fraxinus pennsylvanica lanceolata | 610.00 |
Ash (white) | Fraxinus americana | 638.00 |
Aspen | Populus tremuloides | 401.00 |
Aspen (large tooth) | PopuIus grandidentata | 412.00 |
Balsa (Tropical America) | Ochroma pyramidale | 155.00 |
Basswood | Tilia glabra or Tilia americanus | 398.00 |
Beech | Fagus grandifolia or Fagus americana | 655.00 |
Beech (blue) | Carpinus caroliniana | 717.00 |
Birch (gray) | Betula populifolia | 552.00 |
Birch (paper) | Betula papyrifera | 600.00 |
Birch (sweet) | Betula lenta | 714.00 |
Birch (yellow) | Betula lutea | 668.00 |
Boxwood/Buis | Buxus sempervirens | 1000.00 |
Bubinga | Guibourtia spp | 890.00 |
Buckeye (yellow) | Aesculus octandra | 383.00 |
Butternut | Juglans cinerea | 404.00 |
Cedar (eastern red) | Juniperus virginiana | 492.00 |
Cedar (northern white) | Thuja occidentalis | 315.00 |
Cedar (southern white) | Chamaecyparis thyoides | 352.00 |
Cedar (Tropical American) | Cedrela odorata | 535.00 |
Cedar (western red) | Thuja plicata | 344.00 |
Cherry (black) | Prunus serotina | 534.00 |
Cherry (wild red) | Prunus pennsylvanica | 425.00 |
Chestnut | Castanea dentata | 454.00 |
Cocobolo | Dalbergia retusa | 1100.00 |
Corkwood | Leitneria floridana | 207.00 |
Cottonwood (eastern) | Populus deltoides | 433.00 |
Cypress (southern) | Taxodium distichum | 482.00 |
Dogwood (flowering) | Cornus florida | 796.00 |
Douglas fir (coast type) | Pseudotsuga taxifolia | 512.00 |
Douglas fir (mountain type) | Pseudotsuga taxifolia | 446.00 |
Ebony (India) | (Andaman marble-wood) Diospyros kurzii | 979.04 |
Ebony (E. Africa) | (Ebène marbre) Mauritius Diospyros melanida | 768.83 |
Elm (American) | Ulmus americana | 554.00 |
Elm (rock) | Ulmus racemosa or Ulmus thomasi | 658.00 |
Elm (slippery) | Ulmus fulva or pubescens | 568.00 |
Eucalyptus (Karri) | Eucalyptus diversicolor (W. Australia) | 829.76 |
Eucalyptus (Mahogany) | Eucalyptus (New South Wales) | 1059.05 |
Eucalyptus (West Australian mahogany) | Eucalyptus marginata | 787.75 |
Fir (balsam) | Abies balsamea | 414.00 |
Fir (silver) | Abies amabilis | 415.00 |
Goncalo Alves | Astronium fraxinifolium, Astronium graveolens | 960.00 |
Greenheart (British Guiana) | Nectandra rodioei | 1145.00 |
Grenadilla (Mpingo) | Dalbergia melanoxylon | 1225.00 |
Gum (black) | Nyssa sylvatica | 552.00 |
Gum (blue) | Eucalyptus globulus | 796.00 |
Gum (red) | Liquidambar styraciflua | 530.00 |
Gum (tupelo) | Nyssa aquatica | 524.00 |
Hemlock (eastern) | Tsuga canadensis | 431.00 |
Hemlock (mountain) | Tsuga martensiana | 480.00 |
Hemlock (western) | Tsuga heterophylla | 432.00 |
Hickory (bigleaf shagbark) | Hicoria laciniosa | 810.20 |
Hickory (mockernut) | Hicoria alba | 821.10 |
Hickory (pignut) | Hicoria glabra | 821.10 |
Hickory (shagbark) | Hicoria ovata | 836.49 |
Hornbeam | Ostrya virginiana | 762.00 |
Ironwood (black) | Rhamnidium ferreum | 1188.50 |
Jacarandá (Brazilian rosewood) | Dalbergia nigra | 850.92 |
Larch (western) | Larix occidentalis | 587.00 |
Lignum Vitae | Guaiacum officinale and Guaiacum sanctum | 1290.00 |
Locust (black or yellow) | Robinia pseudacacia | 708.00 |
Locust (honey) | Gleditsia triacanthos | 666.00 |
Magnolia (cucumber) | Magnolia acuminata | 516.00 |
Mahogany (W. Africa) | Khaya ivorensis | 668.62 |
Mahogany (E. India) | Swietenia macrophylla | 540.51 |
Mahogany (E. India) | Swietenia mahogani | 540.51 |
Maple (black) | Acer nigrum | 620.00 |
Maple (red) | Acer rubrum | 546.00 |
Maple (silver) | Acer saccharinum | 506.00 |
Maple (sugar) | Acer saccharum | 676.00 |
Mpingo (Grenadilla) | Dalbergia melanoxylon | 1225.00 |
Oak (black) | Quercus velutina | 669.00 |
Oak (bur) | Quercus macrocarpa | 671.00 |
Oak (canyon live) | Quercus chrysolepis | 838.00 |
Oak (laurel) | Quercus laurifolia | 740.00 |
Oak (live) | Quercus virginiana | 977.00 |
Oak (pin) | Quercus pallustris | 677.00 |
Oak (post) | Quercus stellata or Quercus minor | 738.00 |
Oak (red) | Quercus borealis | 657.00 |
Oak (scarlet) | Quercus coccinea | 709.00 |
Oak (chestnut) | Quercus montana (Quercus prinus) | 756.00 |
Oak (swamp white) | Quercus bicolor or Quercus platanoides | 792.00 |
Oak (white) | Quercus alba | 710.00 |
Persimmon | Diospyros virginiana | 776.00 |
Pine (eastern white) | Pinus strobus | 373.00 |
Pine (jack) | Pinus banksiana or Pinus divericata | 461.00 |
Pine (loblolly) | Pinus taeda | 593.00 |
Pine (longleaf) | Pinus palustris | 638.00 |
Pine (pitch) | Pinus rigida | 542.00 |
Pine (red) | Pinus resinosa | 507.00 |
Pine (shortleaf) | Pinus echinata | 584.00 |
Poplar (balsam) | Populus balsamifera or Populus candicans | 331.00 |
Poplar (yellow) | Liriodendron tulipifera | 427.00 |
Redwood | Sequoia sempervirens | 436.00 |
Rosewood (Bolivian) | Machaerium villosum, M. scleroxylon & M. acutifolium | 710.00 |
Rosewood (E. Indian) | Dalbergia latifolia | 780.00 |
Sassafras | Sassafras variifolium | 473.00 |
Satinwood (Ceylon) | Chloroxylon swietenia | 1032.11 |
Sourwood | Oxydendrum arboreum | 593.00 |
Spruce (black) | Picea mariana | 428.00 |
Spruce (red) | Picea rubra or Picea rubens | 413.00 |
Spruce (white) | Picea glauca | 431.00 |
Sycamore | Platanus occidentalis | 539.00 |
Tamarack | Larix laricina or Larix americana | 558.00 |
Teak (India) | Tectona grandis | 582.52 |
Walnut (black) | Juglans nigra | 562.00 |
Willow (black) | Salix nigra | 408.00 |