The Mass Concentration calculator computes the mass concentration based on the mass and volume.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Mass Concentration (ρi): The calculator returns the mass concentration in grams per milliliter.
This Mass Concentration equation computes the ratio of the mass of a constituent solute to the total volume of its solution. The resultant is the mass of solute per unit volume of solution.
For a pure chemical, the mass concentration equals its density. The formula for mass concentration is:
This ratio is sometimes expressed as a "weight/volume percentage", which has some fundamental pseudo-science implications. First the solute component is a measured mass, not a weight. Second, the ratio cannot be made a percentage as the units in the numerator and denominator are different. To use the weight/volume percentage in analytical context requires the chemist to reverse engineer the actual ratio to be what it is, mass-to-volume ratio, and thus the pseudo-context serves no real purpose. Treated as a Mass Concentration it gives precisely the information that is available, how much mass of the solute there is per unit of volume of the solution.