The Moment of Inertia of an Ellipsoid rotating about the Axis3 calculator computes moment of inertia for axis3, the (the long axis, a, in the picture) based on the mass an the length of axis b.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Moment of Inertia (I3): The calculator returns the moment of inertia in kilograms per square meters.
The ellipsoid is defined by the lengths of its three Cartesian axes, where as described in the diagram, `b = c` and `a` lies along the `"axis"_3`. The Moments of Inertia define the spin of an ellipsoid and have a real world example in the motion of a football. 1 The formula for the moment of inertia of an ellipsoid around axis 3 is:
`I_3 = 2/5•m•b^2`