The Price/Weight Comparison (2 items) calculator compares two products and identifies the best deal (lowest cost) based on the weight of the two amounts, their price and any discounts.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Price / Weight Comparison (PCW): The calculator identifies the best deal and the percent of greater value.
This equation is intended to help you save money by comparing the price/weight of items to determine which is the better buy. For more equations like this, check out
The SHOPPING CALC compares prices for products with different amounts and prices.
Comparing prices of products of differing amounts can be hard.
Length can be in feet, inches, yards in English and then there are metric units. The same is true for area, volume and weight/mass. And what if the prices are in different currencies!!! The Shopping Calc takes care of converting the units and currencies to a common set to make an accurate price comparison. NOW you will know what is the better deal.
....for my wife.
See Also: