The Carpet Tile Count Estimator: Number of Carpet Tiles (Standard size) calculator computes the number of carpet tiles and the amount of adhesive needed to cover an area based on the area's dimensions and the dimensions of the standard size tile selected.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Number of Carpet Tiles (nT): The calculator returns the number of tiles required to cover the area. The calculator also returns:
Carpet tiles are square pieces of carpeting that one can buy in boxes. They often have a lite adhesive back and are easy to install. However, when not using self-adhesive tiles, Carpet Adhesive may be required. The Carpet Adhesive range is the low to high range of adhesive requirements for the area based on manufacturer recommendations that a quart of adhesive covers between 20 and 30 square feet per quart.
This calculator computes the number of carpet tiles needed as follows:
The Carpet Tile Sizes include:
To assist in making rough price estimates for projects, vCalc performs periodic pricing surveys of nationally advertised commodities, in this case, Carpet Tile. The pricing came from the website of the Store at the Date specified. This is for rough calculating convenience and local pricing should ALWAYS be used.
The Carpet Tile Price Survey information is as follows:
Use the pricing data above in the Tile Pricing Calculators.
CAUTION: The pricing information provided is for calculating convenience with NO implied guarantees to the accuracy of the values listed. Authoritative sources should be sought to confirm any value before risking health or wealth on the veracity of the data. Furthermore, vCalc gives no guarantee that you will be able to buy products at listed prices or even if they will be available. The data provided is purely a convenience for making estimates, so we strongly recommend that one ALWAYS use local pricing and authoritative specifications.