The Average Daily Hotel Room Rate calculator computes the average hotel room rate achieved over time based on the revenue associated with hotel room sales and the number of units sold (rooms rented).
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose your preferred units and enter the following;
Average Daily Rate (ADR): The calculator return the average daily rate across the period in U.S. dollars. However, this can be automatically converted to other currency units via the pull-down menu.
Hotel managers are often interested in the average daily rate (ADR) for their business. For example. let's assume that a hotel earns $3,435,000 in revenue from renting rooms in a six month period. Let's also assume that 22,060 rooms were rented in that period. The ADR equation goes as follows:
ADR = ` ($3,435,000)/(22,060)` = $155.71
That's $155.71 per room on average.