The Integer to Hexadecimal Calculator accepts an integer value and returns the given integer converted to hexadecimal.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
Hex Value: The calculator returns the hexadecimal number equal to the base 10 value of the input integer.
Hexadecimal numbers are comprised of digits from zero to 9, and A, B, C, D, E, F. This means that sixteen numbers can be represented by one character. Hexadecimals are particularly useful in computer science since it is a logical progression from binary (base 2) and a basis for ASCII numbers where two hex values have 256 potential values.
The position of the digit indicates the exponent of 16 added to the value, making Hex a base 16 number system
The first value in an hex number is multiplied by 160 (1)
The second value in an hex number is multiplied by 161 (16)
The third value in an hex number is multiplied by 162 (256)
The forth value in an hex number is multiplied by 163 (4,096), and so on. The letter A, B, C, D, E, F represent the base 10 values of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 respectively
In this way, the Octal number of F0A7 is:
7• 160 + 10• 161 + 0 • 162 + 15 • 163 = 61607 in base 10 numbers which we commonly use.