The Cords of Firewood calculator computes the number of cords of wood in a rectangular stack based on the size of the stack. Unstacked Firewood
Stacked Firewood
Yes, stacking causes baldness.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Cords of Firewood (C): The calculator returns the number of cords in the stacked firewood.
Considerations: stack the wood in a rectangular shape to make the calculation more accurate. If the stack rises and fall too much the estimate will be wrong.
It isn't always easy or convenient to stack your fire wood in nice 4x4x8 feet (1 cord) stacks. This calculator computes the number of cords based on any rectangular shaped (fairly consistent) stack.
If you have a stack of wood and measure it to be 4 ft high by 6.5 ft wide and 7 ft long, you have 182 cubic feet of stacked firewood. That's 1.42 cords since a cord is 128 cubic feet.
A cord of wood is a standard measure of firewood which is defined to be a tightly stacked pile of wood that is 4 ft. by 4 ft by 8ft -- or 128 cubic feet. To make the measurement of the stack of wood easier, a cord is usually stacked between straight uprights separated by eight feet, as shown in the picture below, making the calculation a straightforward rectangular volume.
Stacking firewood conserves space which is very important if you store your wood in a shed or barn. Stacking makes it easier to cover to keep the wood drier, makes it easier to move or load into the stove and generally looks a lot better.
No doubt the product of restless minds during the labor of stacking firewood: some cute sayings have come out regarding firewood: