
Pyramid - Weight

vCalc Reviewed
Last modified by
Aug 28, 2024, 7:47:10 PM
Created by
Jun 30, 2014, 3:39:21 PM
`M = [1/3 * "A" * "h" ] * "mD" `
`(A) "base area"`
`(h) "height"`
`(mD)"mean density"`

The Pyramid Weight (Mass) calculator computes the weight or mass of a pyramid of base area (A), height (h) and mean density (mD). /attachments/b4ce8970-006c-11e4-b7aa-bc764e2038f2/PyramidWeight-illustration.png

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the units you wish for area (e.g. cm2) and height (e.g. inches) and enter the following:

  • (A) Area of the base of the pyramid
  • (h) Height of the pyramid
  • (mD) Mean density of the composition of the pyramid (e.g. 2,400 kg/m3 for concrete)

Pyramid Weight (M): The calculator returns the weight/mass in kilograms.  However the user can automatically convert this to many other mass/weight units (e.g. pound or tons) via the pull-down menu.

The Math / Science

The formula for the mass or weight of a pyramid is: 

   ` M = [1/3 * A * h] * mD`


         M = μ * V


The mean density (`mu_(density)`) of many common substances, elements, liquids and materials can be found by clicking HERE (e.g. the `mu_(density) (water)` is 1000.0 kg/m³).

Pyramid Calculators

A regular pyramid is a type of pyramid that has the following characteristics:

  1. Base: The base of a regular pyramid is a regular polygon, meaning all sides of the polygon are equal in length, and all interior angles are equal. Examples of regular polygons include equilateral triangles, squares, and regular pentagons.
  2. Apex: The apex is the point directly above the center of the base. In a regular pyramid, the apex is aligned such that the line segment (height) from the apex to the center of the base is perpendicular to the base.
  3. Lateral Faces: The lateral faces of the pyramid are congruent isosceles triangles. Each triangle shares a side with the base of the pyramid and meets at the apex.
  4. Height: The height of the pyramid is the perpendicular distance from the apex to the center of the base.

Because of these properties, a regular pyramid is symmetric around its vertical axis (the line connecting the apex to the center of the base).

This equation, Pyramid - Weight, is used in 4 pages
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