Personal Finance Calculators
Monthly Loan Payment
Computes the monthly payment of a fixed interest rate loan
(e.g., home mortgage or
car loan
Credit Card Equation
Computes the number of months to pay off a credit card
Mortgage Affordability
: Compute the amount of principal one can borrow based on monthly payment, duration and interest rate.
Leverage Ratio
Calculates a
ratio describing debt to income
Compound Interest
Computes the
compounded interest on a fixed interest rate
Computes the
compounded annual growth rate achieved
on an investment.
Rule of 72
Provides a quick
estimate on time to double an investment
Simple Interest Earned
Computes a
rough estimate on interest earned over time
Wage Calculator
: Computes the annual, monthly and weekly pay amounts base on hourly wage and hours per week.
Current Mortgage Rates
30 Year Fixed Interest Rate
6.79 %
15 Year Fixed Interest Rate
: 6.21 %
: [Invalid Constant]
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