
Roofing Nail per Square (Normal Conditions)

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Apr 5, 2023, 1:03:27 PM
Created by
Aug 13, 2021, 5:23:50 PM
` = "Roofing Nail per Square (Normal Conditions)"`
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Nails per square (100 square feet):
Nails per square foot:

The number of Roofing Nails for a Square of Shingles in normal conditions is 348.  This puts four nails on each shingle, where a square covers 100 ft2.

There are:

  • a square of shingles is 100 ft2
  • 3 bundles in one square (33.3 ft2 per bundle
  • 29 standard shingles (12"x36") per bundle.
  • there are four roofing nails per shingle.

3 bundles/square x 29 shingles/bundle x 4 nails/shingle = 348 nails/square

Roofing Nail Calculators:

  • Roofing Nails for Gable Roof: This computes the number of roofing nails needed for a common gabled roof based on roof dimensions and wind conditions.
  • Roofing Nails for a Gambrel Roof: This computes the number of roofing nails to shingle a gambrel roof based on the dimensions and wind conditions.
  • Roofing Nails for a Hip Roof: This computes the number of roofing nails to shingle a hip roof based on the dimensions under normal and high wind conditions.
  • Roofing Nails for a Double Hip Roof: This computes the number and weight of roofing nails for a hip roof with a hip roof dormer based on the dimensions.
  • Roofing Nails for a Shed Roof: This computes the total number roofing nails and their weight to shingle a single sloped roof based on the span, ridge length and the front and back overhangs.
  • Roofing Nails for a Dormer: This computes the number and weight of roofing nails needed for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions.
  • Roofing Nails for Irregular Roof Section: This computes the number roofing nails (count and weight) for an irregular section of a roof based on the dimensions.

Roofing Nail Data:

Roofing Nail Guidance

Roofing Nails are used to attach shingles to sheathing on a roof.  There are two densities used for the number of roofing nails needed per shingle, normal wind and high wind.  This can be seen in the shingle diagram to the right.  The top image shows four nails per shingle above the tab cuts.  This is for normal wind conditions.  The lower image shows six nails per single with a double nail above the two central tab cuts.  This is for high wind conditions in exposed places like on the edge of bodies of water, on top of mountains or other exposed places with no wind breaks.  High winds are experienced in areas with little cover from wind breaks.  Such areas include deserts, prairies, mountain tops and areas adjacent to large bodies of water.  High winds are also associated with areas prone to hurricanes.

Note that for both normal and high wind applications, the roofing nails go just below the sealant strip. 

Roofing nails are sold by weight in many places.  The weight of the nails is based on a 5lb box of 1-1/4" smooth shank nails having 978 nails.  That's 0.0818 ounces per nail.

Single Price Survey Data

The Roofing Shingles Cost Survey list the observed price of a bundle of shingles. A bundle is equal to roughly (`33 1/3 ft^2`) or one third of a square (`100 ft^2`). The survey includes a date, the name of the store. the feve price points for shingles: economy, low, median, high and premium.

One  should use the pricing for roofing materials that can be bought locally.  However, the following prices are for different quality grades of shingles in the United States:

All prices are for one bundle of shingles which cover 33.33 ft2

Building Calculators

This equation, Roofing Nail per Square (Normal Conditions), is used in 7 pages
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