The Simple Tait One Rep Max calculator computes the approximate one rep max using the Simple Tait formula adjusted for RPE.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
Max weight (1RM): The calculator returns the estimated one rep max. The unit is the same as unit you used for the number you entered in the Weight input.
The Simple Tait Estimator is a member of the Tait Family of one rep max estimators. The Tait Family of estimators are estimators that have the following structure: Weight*(1 + a*Reps/(1 + b*Reps)). Here a and b can be chosen to adjust the exact properties of the estimator. This structure was designed using principles from mathematical economics, and is grounded in physiology. The formulation of this estimator was guided by two key physiological properties. First, in the low-repetition range, the strength multiplier is approximately linear with respect to the number of repetitions. This aligns with the observation that the effort required to add an additional repetition in this range remains relatively constant. For example, the difficulty of adding a third repetition to a set of two is comparable to adding a fourth repetition to a set of three. Second, at higher repetition ranges, the estimator accounts for diminishing returns, characterized by concavity in the function. This reflects the reduced physiological significance of additional repetitions at higher volumes. For instance, the difference in maximal strength estimation between completing 29 and 30 repetitions is negligible compared to differences observed at lower repetition ranges.
There is however one obvious problem with this structure; When one rep is performed, the estimated max is higher than the the actual max that was performed. Three fixes were divised for this problem:
Finally, it should be noted that very little research appears to have been conducted into the mathematical models underlying not only strength curves—such as those used in estimators—but also other fundamental aspects of fitness and exercise science. This lack of focus is surprising, considering the potential insights that might be gained by treating fitness as a dynamic system and analyzing it through rigorous mathematical modeling, akin to approaches used in fields like mathematical economics and quantitative finance. For instance, long-term strength gain could be conceptualized as analogous to the stock market, where performance is influenced by a multitude of variables, many of which interact in complex and unpredictable ways. Given the impossibility of incorporating all these variables into a comprehensive model, a random walk framework seems logical, as it accounts for the stochastic and inherently uncertain nature of adaptation and progress.
That’s why I’m proposing the creation of a new field, which I’m calling mathematical fitness. As far as I can tell, this concept doesn’t exist yet as its own distinct area of research. The closest thing I could find was Quantified Self and Fitness Informatics, but these focus much more on data analysis than on building fundamental models. So, I think mathematical fitness could still stand on its own as a new field.
I don’t know whether anyone will ever pick this up, or if research in this area would even turn out to be useful. But honestly, I think it could be really fun.
I originally wanted to estimate a and b using my own workout data. The issue, though, is that I don’t test my one-rep max very often, so there wasn’t much data available for my actual maxes. On top of that, I tend to train mostly in the 4 to 6 rep range, which means I didn’t have much data for other rep ranges either. Because of this, I decided to estimate a and b using existing one-rep max estimators. I tried two methods for this.
The first approach involved creating a hybrid function that combines the properties of the Lombardi and Brzycki formulas. Brzycki was chosen because it’s approximately linear at lower reps and widely used as a one-rep max estimator. Lombardi, on the other hand, was chosen because it captures diminishing returns at higher reps, even though it tends to overestimate for low reps. To combine the two, I used Brzycki for reps below about 7.6 (in my code, I used a more specific value where Brzycki and Lombardi are nearly equal) and Lombardi for anything higher. This hybrid function balances Brzycki’s reliability at low reps with Lombardi’s tapering effect at higher reps, creating a well-rounded estimate.
The second method involved fitting the formula to the average of all the one-rep max estimators listed on the Wikipedia page for one-repetition maximum. This approach gives a broad and balanced estimate by averaging the behaviors of many well-regarded formulas.
For both the hybrid function and the average function, I optimized a and b using R’s built-in optim function. The optimization was done over a rep range of 1 to 12. While this range might seem arbitrary, I found that expanding it didn’t have much impact on the results. After running both optimizations, I found that the parameters derived from the hybrid function produced slightly more conservative one-rep max estimates. This felt more in line with what I was looking for, so I chose the hybrid-based values for a and b as the default.
That said, these parameters aren’t fixed. If you have your own workout data or specific training goals, you can tweak a and b to better suit your needs. If you have enough personal data, you could even use R’s optim function to optimize the formula for your unique performance. Feel free to experiment with these values and adjust them to match your training preferences! If you would like to play around with my R code feel free to reach out via my vcalc profile.