The Russian Ruble per Liter to US Dollars per Gallon calculator computes the price of liquid (e.g. gasoline) in U.S. dollars per gallon based on the entered price of Rubles per Litre.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
Dollars per Gallon (DpG): The calculator returns the price per gallon in U.S. dollars. It uses the gallon to litre conversion and the current exchange rate. The calculator also returns Euros per liter and Great Britain Pounds per liter.
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Are you used to seeing your gasoline prices in dollars per gallon, but now you're in Russia. You have two things against you. In Russia, they sell their gasoline (petrol) by the litre and in Rubles. To make the conversion, you have to know how many litres are in a gallons, and the current Rubles per Dollar exchange rate. This calculator does that for you.
X - Current Exchange Rates | |
$1.00 equals ₽ 110.496 RUB |
The formula to convert Rubles per Liter to U.S. Dollars per Gallon is:
`DPG = RPL * (3.7854 " Liters")/(1.0 " U.S. Gallons") * ($1.0 " USD")/( ₽ "110.496 RUB")`
Note: The Rubles per Dollar constantly changes. This calculator has updated exchange rates every two minutes The Rubles per Dollar at the current exchange rate is (? 110.496 RUB= $1 USD)