The Darcy’s Law formula, `Q = (-k*A(P_b-P_a))/(mu*L)`, computes the flow rate of a fluid through a porous medium. The law was derived by Henry Darcy from empirical data he obtained performing experiments on water flowing through layers of sand. Darcy’s Law is often used to define permeability of substances and serves as an important formula in hydrogeology and civil engineering disciplines. In civil engineering applications, this formula helps to determine how saturated a medium will remain.
The inputs to this equation are as follows:
Darcy's Law returns the fluid flow in volume / time
Darcy's law depicts familiar properties of groundwater flow as experienced in aquifers. Some common examples are:
As a prime example of the application of Darcy's Law, the steady-state flow equation, derived from Darcy's Law as it applies to groundwater, along with the conservation of mass, is used to quantify the amount of groundwater flowing under a dam.