The Weight and Volume Calculator contains volume and mass / weight equations for a variety of geometric shapes and provides the mean density for a large number of substances.
The Weight and Volume Calculator Volume and Weight/Mass equations in this calculator let the user:
vCalc provides a lookup function that contains the mean density in kilograms per cubic meter of hundreds of substances from farm commodities (e.g. grains, woods, etc) to quary items (types of stone and sand) to commonly transported liquids (e.g. water, diesel).
The basic formula for all of the equations is this: various frustums
` "mass" = mu"Density" * "volume"`
The mass equations in this calculator are based on three dimensional (3D) shapes and equations to calculate their volume. The geometric shapes included in this calculator are:
At the bottom of the Weight tab, spheresvCalc provides a look-up function for many mean densities which can be used with the container shape to determine the weight of the contents of the container (e.g. water, grain, oil). Using the meadDensity Lookup, the user can choose any of hundreds of substances and vCalc will return the mean density: