The Pasture Seed Needed calculators computes the amount of seed needed to plant a pasture area.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose your preferred units (e.g. ft2 or acres) and enter the following:
Pasture Seed Needed: The calculator computes the amount of seed needed in pounds. However, this can be automatically converted to other weight units via the pull-down menu. To compute the Total Weight from any pounds per acre, CLICK HERE.
The types of seed available are:
Alfalfa, Bahia (Argentine), Bahia (Pensacola), Bahia (Tifton-9), Bahia (TifQuik), Burmuda (Un-Coated Hulled (Raw)), Burmuda (Un-Coated Un-hulled (Raw)), Burmuda Coated, Buffalo Grass, Carpet Grass, Clover (Alyce), Clover (Arrowleaf), Clover (Ball), Clover (Companion / Coated), Clover (Crimson), Clover (Dalkeith), Clover (Durana), Clover (Ladino), Clover (Patriot), Clover (Rackmaster), Clover (Red), Clover (Regal Graze Ladino), Clover (Dutch White), Clover (Yellow), Crabgrass, Fescue, Legume(Aeschynomene), Legume(Austrian Winter Peas), Legume(Birdsfoot Trefoil), Legume(Catjang Peas), Legume(Iron & Clay Cowpeas), Legume(LAB LAB), Legume(Crown Vetch), Lespedeza, Lovegrass, Millet (Brown Top), Oats, Orchard Grass, Rye Grass, Sorghum, SunHemp, Switchgrass, Teff, Timothy
The seed requirements in this calculator are based on seeds in pounds per acre from