
Upward Acceleration from Thrust or Lift

vCalc Reviewed
Last modified by
Sep 29, 2022, 12:51:55 AM
Created by
Jan 27, 2016, 8:00:59 PM
`a = (F_t -F_g)"/"m`
`(F_t)"Force of upward thrust"`
`(F_g)"Force of downward gravity"`

The Upward Acceleration from Thrust or Lift calculator computes acceleration as a function of Mass (M) and the difference of two vertical forces, upward thrust or lift (Ft) and downward pull of gravity (Fg).

 INSTRUCTIONS:  Choose units and enter the following:

  • (Ft) Upward Force (thrust or lift)
  • (Fg) Downward Force of Fravity.
  • (m) Mass of object

Acceleration (a): The calculator computes the acceleration (A) in meters per second squared.  However, this can be automatically converted to other acceleration units via the pull-down menu.

The Math / Science

The formula for upward acceleration is:

   `a =  (F_t - F_g)/m`


  • a = upward acceleration
  • Ft = vertical force of thrust or lift
  • Fg = downward force of gravity
  • m = mass of object

This is a form of Newton's formula, F = m * a that computes a total force.  If you solve for acceleration,  you get:

                a = F/m

Then substitute F for the net force of upward trust and downward gravity (F = Ft - Fg).

This is anecdotally the forces on a rocket, with `F_t` being the force of thrust (upward), and `F_g` being the force of gravity (downward).


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