Hospitality Calculators
Average Cost per Room
- Average expense per room for a period of time.
Average Daily Rate
- Average daily income rate for rooms rented
Average Sales per Guest Forecast
- Forecast based on total forecast and guest count forecast.
Break-Even Point in Guests Served
- Computes the number of guests needed to break even based on fixed costs and margin per guest.
Contribution Margin per Guest
- Computes the margin per guest based on selling price per guest and variable cost per guest.
Contribution Marge Percent
- Computes the percent of contribution margin based on the Selling Price percent and the Variable Cost percent.
Cost of Food Consumed
- Computes the cost of food based on inventory change and purchases.
Estimated Room Expenses
- Computes the estimated annual expense of rooms based on the expense per room and number of rooms.
Food Cost Percent for a Restaurant
- Computes the percent of costs associated with food for a restaurant.
Food Selling Price
- Computes selling price based on Item Food Cost and percent allocated to food commodity.
GOPPAR - Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room
- Computes the profit based on the gross profit and the total rooms available.
Guest Count Forecast
- Guest count forecast based on last year's and an expected increase.
Percent Sales Variance
- Computes the percentage of the difference in sales in two periods.
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