Surface Area of Dormers: This computes the roofing surface area for dormers based on the dimensions and number of dormers.
Metal for Dormers: This computes the metal roof materials (panels, ridge cap and trim) for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions
Screws for Metal Dormers: This computes the number of metal panels screws needed for one or more roof metal paneled dormers based on the dimensions.
4x8s for Dormers: This computes the number of 4x8 sheathing needed for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions.
Shingles for Dormers: This computes the number of shingle bundles needed for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions. It also includes ridge shingles, valley lengths for flashing, and roofing nails.
Underlayment for Dormers: This computes the amount of underlayment needed and estimates the cost of underlayment materials.
Roofing Nails for Dormers: This computes the number and weight of roofing nails needed for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions.
Purlins for Dormers: This computes the total number and length of purlins (roof support boards) for needed for one or more roof dormers based on the dimensions.
Dormer Geometries: This computes the diagram measurements for a dormer based on the dimension.