This equation provides an attribute comparison using the data contained in the WoW-Class-Base data set. This data set provides the starting attribute values for each World of Warcraft (WoW) character defined by the character's faction, race and class combination. The data accessed are the attribute values, such as Health or Armor or Attack Speed, etc, that your character would have when you first create the character.
You input a choice of two characters and select an attribute and this equation will tell you which of the two characters is the strongest in that selected attribute.
To choose two characters to compare you must select a valid combination of the following for each character:
And you must select an attribute by which they will be compared:
This vCalc character equation uses the WoW Select Character equation as an equation in equation (EiE) , ensuring that you may only select valid combination of faction, race and class to specify a character. This information gives you a starting point means to look at how races and classes are configured at character creation.
This equation will serve also as the basis for creating new equations by duplicating and modifying this equation. Feel free to add your own player logic in a modified version of this equation.