The Resistance from Potential and Current calculator computes the resistance based on Ohm's Law using electrical potential or voltage (V) and current (I).
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Electrical Resistance (R): The calculator returns the electrical resistance in ohms. However, this can be automatically converted to other electric resistance units via the pull-down menu.
The Ohms Law formula for resistance based on current and voltage is:
R = V / I
For more information on the relationship between electrical power, current, resistance and potential, see the Ohm's Law Calculator.
The Ohm's Law calculator suite computes power (watts), potential (voltage), current (amps) and resistance (ohms) in relation to each other based on Ohm's Law. There is a fundamental relationship between electrical parameters: potential, current, resistance and power depicted in the graphical wheel (see wheel).
The Ohm's Law Calculator suite has automatic unit conversions for the input and output of the equations. The equations are as follows. Click on the formula for a pop-up calculator with the formula, or click on the description link for the page dedicated to that formula.
Power (watts, milliwatts, kilowatts)
Potential (volts, millivolts)
Resistance (ohms, milliohms, kiloohms)
Current (amps, milliamps, microamps, gilberts)