The RPMs of the 4th pulley on 3 shafts equation calculates the RPMs (rotation rate)of a pulley when the RPM and Diameters are known for a series of pulleys on three axles (see diagram).
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
RPMs of the 4th Pulley on axle 3(RPM4): The calculator returns the rotation rate of the 4th pulley (3rd axle) in Revolutions Per Minute (rpm). However, this can be automatically converted to compatible unit via the pull down menu. The rotation rate of the second axle (2nd and 3rd) pullies are also returned.
The formula to compute the rotation rate of a fourth pulley on a three axle system is:
`RPM_4 = (RPM_1 * (D1 * D3))/(D2*D4)`