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Price Elasticity of Demand

Last modified by
Jul 31, 2023, 9:35:13 PM
Created by
May 29, 2015, 11:34:48 PM
(CD)Change in Quantity Demanded(CD)Change in Quantity Demanded
(CP)Change in Price(CP)Change in Price

The Price Elasticity of Demand calculator computes the ratio of the percent change in quantity demanded and the percent change in price.  

INSTRUCTIONS:   Enter the following:

Price Elasticity of Demand (PED):  The calculator returns the ratio as a real number (e.g. 4).  However, this can be automatically converted to a percent (e.g. 400%) via the pull-down menu.

The Math / Science

The formula for Price Elasticity of Demand is:

          PED = CD / CP


Note:  A more reliable way to compute price elasticity of demand is via the Midpoint Method.  The formula for Midpoint Method of Price Elasticity of Demand is:

PED=(Q2-Q1)÷(Q2+Q1)/2(P2-P1)÷(P2+P1)/2=Percent Change in QuantityPercent Change in PricePED=(Q2Q1)÷(Q2+Q1)/2(P2P1)÷(P2+P1)/2=Percent Change in QuantityPercent Change in Price


  • PED is the Price Elasticity of Demand
  • P1 this is the first price point
  • P2 this is the second price point
  • Q1 is the quantity point associated with the first price point (P1)
  • Q2 is the quantity point associated with the second price point (P2)

Macroeconomics Calculators

Micro Economics Calculators


  • Mankiw, N. Gregory. "Chapter 5:The Elasticity of Demand." Principles of Macroeconomics. 6th ed. Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western, 2004. 91. Print.
  • “Chapter 7 Consumer Choice and Elasticity.” AP Microeconomics 2018, by Eric R. Dodge, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.

This equation, Price Elasticity of Demand, is used in 3 pages
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