
Yuan per Liter to US Dollars per Gallon

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Sep 10, 2024, 2:21:50 PM
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Apr 3, 2018, 5:20:18 PM
`DPG = f( "PPL" ) `
`(PPL)"Price per Litre"`

The Yuan per Liter to US Dollars per Gallon calculator computes the price of liquid (e.g. gasoline, diesel) in U.S. dollars per gallon based on the entered price in Yuan per Liter.  

INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:

  • (YPL)  Chinese Yuan per Liter

Dollars per Gallon (DPG): The calculator returns the price per gallon in U.S. dollars.  It uses the gallon to liter conversion and the current currency exchange rate.

The Math / Science

Are you used to seeing your gasoline prices in dollars per gallon, but now you are in China.  You have two things to consider.  In China, they sell their gasoline (petrol) and diesel by the liter and in Yuan.  To make the conversion, you have to know how many liters are in a gallon, and the current exchange rate.  This calculator does that for you. The formula to convert Yuan per Liter to U.S. Dollars per Gallon is:

    `DPG = YPL *   (3.7854 " Liters")/(1.0 " U.S. Gallons")  *  ($1.0 " USD")/( "¥ 7.311 CNY")`


  • DPG = Dollars per Gallon
  • YPL = Yuan per Liter

Dollar Yuan Calculators

The following are conversions of currencies, weights, lengths and volumes used in the United States and China.

   Exchange Rate  
$1.00 USD = ¥  7.311 CNY  
$0.137 USD = ¥ 1.00 CNY  

Fuel Price Conversions:

Other Fuel Calculators

Road Travel Calculators and Collections

  1. Euro Dollar Calculator: Eleven (11) functions that combines unit conversions with currency conversions for the European Union (€) and the United States ($).
  2. Fuel and Travel Calculators: Broad collection of forty eight (48) calculators and data items associated with fuel. These calculators helped people with calculated answers 292k time in 2023.  The total time of engagement with those users was over 93k minutes of direct engagement.  
  3. Road Travel Calculator: Eleven (11) functions associated with road travel in North America (Canada, United States and Mexico).
  4. US Travelers Abroad Calculator: Twelve (12) functions converting weights and volumes for products in foreign currencies to and from their equivalent in US units (volume, weight and dollars).

Road Travel Equations

  1. Approach Angle: Computes the maximum angle of a ramp or other incline onto which a vehicle can climb without interference (scraping) the ramp or incline.
  2. Breakover Angle: Computes the maximum angle that a vehicle can drive over without the ground touching the vehicle's undercarriage. 
  3. Canadian Dollars per Liter to US Dollar per Gallon: Computes the price of gasoline or diesel in U.S. dollars per gallon based on the price per liter in Canadian Dollars.
  4. Compare US dollars per Gallon with Canadian dollars per Liter: Price compares two items where one is in U.S. dollar per Gallon vs another in Canadian dollars per Liter.  It identifies the least expensive and the percent difference.
  5. Compute the Cost of a Road-Trip
  6. Cost to Drive: Computes the fuel cost and mileage expense of a road trip based on the distance, miles per gallon, cost per gallon and whether the trip was for Personal, Business, Moving or Medical, Charitable purposes.
  7. Cost to Idle: Computes the total fuel cost of idling a number of vehicles based on the fuel consumption rate at idle, the cost of fuel and the duration of time at idle.
  8. Fuel Cost over a Distance: Computes the cost of fuel for a trip based on the distance, fuel efficiency (mpg) and the price of fuel.
  9. Fuel Dollars per Mile: Computes the average fuel (gas/petrol) expense per unit distance (mile and kilometer) based on the mileage rate (miles per gallon) and cost per unit fuel (dollar per gallon).
  10. Fuel per Mile: Computes the average fuel consumption per mile.
  11. Gas Mileage: Computes the average fuel economy in average miles per gallon based on the distance traveled and the fuel consumed.
  12. Gas Mileage Equation: Computes the average gas mileage based on the starting odometer reading, the current odometer reading and the total gallons used between the two.
  13. Mexican Pesos per Liter to US Dollars per Gallon: Computes the price of gasoline in U.S. dollars per gallon based on the entered price of Mexican Pesos per Liter.
  14. Mileage Tax Deduction: Expense allocation based on miles traveled and category of travel (see below).
  15. Speed to Overtake by Distance: Computes the average speed required to overtake a vehicle based on the speed of the vehicle, the head start, and the total distance.
  16. Time to Overtake: Time to intercept based on distance between vehicles and average speed of both
  17. Time to Travel: Time driving based on average speed and distance.
  18. Travel Distance on a Gas Budget: Computes the miles one can travel in a week based on a budget amount, price of fuel, and vehicle fuel efficiency.
  19. US Dollar per Gallon to Canadian Dollar per Liter: Computes the price of gasoline in Canadian dollars per liter based on the price per gallon in U.S. Dollars. 
  20. Vehicle Miles Traveled: Computes the distance a vehicle has traveled based on the speed and duration of travel.

Data Items

  1. Mileage Deduction Calendar Year 
  2. Mileage Deduction for Business Travel
  3. Mileage Deduction for Moving or Medical Travel 
  4. Mileage Deduction for Charitable Donation Travel 


  1. US Government Mileage Deductions

This equation, Yuan per Liter to US Dollars per Gallon, is used in 2 pages
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