`SA = 4*pi* ( (( "a" * "b" )^1.6075 + ( "a" * "c" )^1.6075 + ( "b" * "c" )^1.6075)/3)^(1/1.6075)`
The Surface Area of an Ellipsoid calculator uses the Knud Thomsen's formula to compute an approximation of the surface area of an ellipsoid based on the lengths of the semi-axes.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
- (a) semi-axis a
- (b) semi-axis b
- (c) semi-axis c
Surface Area of an Ellipsoid (SA): The calculator returns the surface area in square meters. However, this can be automatically converted to many other area units (e.g. square inches or acres) via the pull-down menu.
The Math / Science
The Knud Thomsen formula for the surface area of an ellipsoid is:
`SA = 4*pi* ( ((a*b)^1.6075 + (a*c)^1.6075 + (b*c)^1.6075)/3)^(1/1.6075)`
Ellipsoid - Volume computes the volume of an ellipsoid based on the length of the three semi-axes (a, b, c)
- Ellipsoid - Surface Area computes the surface area of an ellipsoid based on the length of the three semi-axes (a, b, c)
- Ellipsoid - Mass or Weight computes the mass or weight of an ellipsoid based on the length of the three semi-axes (a, b, c) and the mean density.
- Ellipsoid Cap - Volume computes the volume of a section of an ellipsoid.
- Oblate Spheroid - Volume computes the volume of an Oblate Spheroid based on the length of the two semi-axes (b, c)
- Oblate Spheroid- Surface Area computes the surface area of an Oblate Spheroid based on the length of the two semi-axes (b, c)
- Oblate Spheroid- Mass or Weight computes the mass or weight of an Oblate Spheroid based on the length of the two semi-axes (b, c) and the mean density.
- Sphere - Volume computes the volume of a sphere based on the length of the radius (a)
- Sphere - Surface Area computes the surface area of a sphere based on the length of the radius (a)
- Sphere - Mass or Weight computes the mass or weight of a sphere based on the length of the radius (a) and the mean density.
- Circular - Volume: Computes the volume of a column with a circular top and bottom and vertical sides.
- Circular - Mass: Computes the mass/weight of circular volume based on its dimensions and mean density.
- Elliptical Volume: Computes the volume of a column with an elliptical top and bottom and vertical sides.
- Elliptical - Mass: Computes the mass/weight of an elliptical volume based on its dimensions and mean density.
- Ellipse Vertical Chord from Edge (VE): Computes the length of the vertical chord of an ellipse based on distance from the edge.
- Ellipse Vertical Chord from Center (VC): Computes the length of the vertical chord of an ellipse based on distance from the center.
- Ellipse Horizontal Chord from Edge (HE): Computes the length of the horizontal chord of an ellipse based on distance from the edge.
- Ellipse Horizontal Chord from Center (HC): Computes the length of the vertical chord of an ellipse based on distance from the center.
- Common Mean Density: Provides a lookup function to find the mean density of hundreds of materials (woods, metals, liquids, chemicals, food items, soils, and more)