The Firewood Calculator will tell you: Split firewood in a loose pile.
0.65 cords stacked in one hour
When you get firewood, you can either leave it loose in a pile or you can stack it. A cord is 4 feet high, 4 feet wide and 8 feet long. But unless you're pretty anal, you'll stack the firewood in the dimensions that make sense to you (e.g. between your fence posts or along the wall). So the question is, how many cords are in that stack. If your stack is close to rectangular, the How Many Cords calculator will answer the question for you. Simply enter your dimensions and it will tell you how many cords you have.
Unless you paid a premium for your firewood, chances are that an old pickup dump truck came to your house, and the bearded mountain man said, "Where do you want it?" He then proceeded to push the buttons and dump your firewood in a heap. Of course you trust the guy and write the check, but in the back of you're mind, you're really wondering how much per cord did you really pay. The How Much You Paid per Cord calculator answers that question. Once you've stacked your wood in a fairly rectangular stack, you can measure the stack and enter the price you paid. The calculator will tell you the REAL price per cord that you paid. Old bald guy stacking.
Okay, it's me, the author.
Stacking wood takes about 90 minutes per cord to stack (average speed) assuming the loose pile is nearby. I use a wheel barrel to shuttle the wood from the pile and the stack and it cuts a ton of time off of the project.
Face it. Stacking firewood is a satisfying chore. You turn the chaos of a pile loose wood into a nice orderly stack that you'll admire every time you pass it. You prepare your home for the cold winter, and in the back of your mind, you're saying, I can eat that chocolate pie tonight, because I'm burning some serious calories. Now that's a Grand Slam in my book.
Burning calories stacking good, but the How Many Calories Did You Burn calculator will actually give you a good estimate. Just enter the size of the stack and your weight, and the calculator will tell you approximately how many calories you burned. Your weight matters, because bigger people burn more calories. The estimate is based on 90 minutes to stack a cord and following calorie profile:
No doubt the product of restless minds during the labor of stacking firewood: some cute sayings have come out regarding firewood: