
Weight on the Moon

Last modified by
Feb 9, 2024, 4:47:34 PM
Created by
Feb 12, 2014, 11:08:02 PM
`w = m * 1.622 m/s^2`
`(m)"Mass of object"`

The Weight on the Moon calculator computes the weight of something on the moon. 

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:

  • (m) mass

Weight on the Moon (w): The calculator returns the gravitational force, comparable to weight on Earth in newtons and pounds force.  However, this can be automatically converted to other force units via the pull-down menu.

The Math / Science

Weight is the force of gravity on a mass. Newton's second law formula (F = m•a) shows the relationship between mass, acceleration and force.  The Weight on the Moon formula uses Newton's second law:

w = m • gm


A word on weight vs mass: we often interchange mass and weight units in our daily lives. We will say that something weighs a number of pounds and also give the equivalent in kilograms.  We can do this, without grave consequences, because we assume that the mass is on the surface of the Earth.  For this reason, these calculators interchange mass and weight units with the supposition that the weight is on the surface of the Earth.  This calculator, however, does not do such.  

Acceleration Due to Gravity (g)

The acceleration due to gravity is different based on the mass of the star, planet, moon or asteroid and the distance from its center of mass and its surface.  For that reason, gravity has a lesser pull on bodies of lesser mass or density than the Earth such as the moon.  The formula for acceleration due to gravity is:
           g = (G•M)/R²


Acceleration due to gravity:

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