The XYZ to LLA calculator computes the latitude, longitude and altitude associated with the XYZ coordinate in an Earth Centered Fixed coordinate frame.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Latitude, Longitude and Altitude (LLA): The calculator returns latitude and longitude in degrees, and altitude in meters. However, these can be automatically converted to compatible units via the pull-down menu. Note: the latitude is provided in Geocentric Latitude and Geodetic Latitude (local horizon) values.
This formula lets the user enter a three dimensional vector with X, Y and Z components of any length in any of vCalc's standard units. Vector in three dimensions This algorithm converts all of the components to a standard unit (meters) and calculates the latitude, longitude and altitude based on the WGS-84 model of the earth as an oblate spheroid. The primary consideration in that model is the bulge of the Earth along the equator.