The Speed from Length of Skid Marks calculator estimates the speed based on the length of skid marks and the friction coefficient.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
0.05 | Very Slippery Conditions |
0.7 | Normal Dry Conditions |
0.9 | Ideal Breaking Conditions |
Speed from Length of Skid Marks (v): The calculator returns the speed in miles per hour. However this can be automatically converted to other velocity units (e.g. kilometers per hour) via the pull-down menu.
The formula for the velocity based on the length of skid marks is:
`v = sqrt( 30*L*fc)`
The Braking Coefficient is a coefficient of kinetic friction. For accident reconstruction on dry surfaces, a value of 0.7 is often used. This is the default value in this calculator. A modern car with computerized anti-skid brakes may have a friction coefficient up to 0.9.