The Wilks Coefficient Applied calculator computes Wilks Coefficient formula value and applies it to Good Lift weight.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Wilks Coefficient Adjusted Weight (WCAW): The calculator returns the adjusted weight in kilograms. However, this can be automatically converted to other weight units (e.g. pounds) via the pull-down menu.
The formula for the Wilk's Coefficient applied to a weight lifted is:
` WCAW = 500/ (a+bx+cx^2+dx^3+ex^4+fx^5) * w`
For men:
a = −216.0475144
b = 16.2606339
c = −0.002388645
d = −0.00113732
e = 7.01863E−06
f = −1.291E−08
For women:
a = 594.31747775582
b = −27.23842536447
c = 0.82112226871
d = −0.00930733913
e = 4.731582E−05
f = −9.054E−08