The Purchasing Calculator computes and compares the price in multiple currencies for two or three commodities measured by weight (mass), volume, area and length.
- Price for Length: Enter a length and cost per unit length to see a total cost (e.g., 650 yards at $7.48 per foot is $14,586) .
- Price per Area: Enter an area and cost per unit area to see total cost (e.g., 470 square feet at $3.23/ft2) to see a total cost.
- Price per Volume Enter a length and cost per unit length to see a total cost.
- Price per Weight or Mass: Enter a weight and cost per unit weight (e.g., 55 pounds at $2.45 per 6 ounces) to see the total cost.
- Price per Ton: Enter the product weight and the price per ton to see the total cost.
- Price per Unit: Enter the total number of units of a products, the unit price per unit number of units (e.g., 500 units at $47 per 20 units).
- Price Compare Two Items by Length : Enter the length or distance and price of two items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Price compare Three items by Length: Enter the length or distance of tree items, and the calculator tells you which is the best buy and by how much.
- Price compare Two Items by Area: Enter the area and price of two items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Price compare Three items by Area : Enter the area of tree items, and the calculator tells you which is the best buy and by how much.
- Price Compare Two Items by Volume: Enter the Volume and price of two items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Price Compare Three items by Volume: Enter the Volume and price of three items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Price Compare Two Items by Weight or Mass: Enter the weight (mass) and price of two items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Price Compare Three Items by Weight or Mass: Enter the weight (mass) and price of three items, and the calculator tells you which is the better buy and by how much.
- Money per Length Conversion: e.g., enter dollars per foot and see Euros per meter among many other possibilities.
- Money per Area Conversion: e.g., enter dollars per square inch and see Euros per square centimeter among many other possibilities.
- Money per Volume Conversion: e.g., enter dollars per gallon and see Euros per liter among many other possibilities.
- Money per Mass or Weight Conversion: e.g., enter dollars per pound and see Euros per kilogram among many other possibilities.
Uses for this Calculator
This calculator helps answer questions like the following:
- Which is cheaper? 3.4 pounds for $4.78 (U.S. Dollars), 1.6 kilograms for £5.20 (GBP Pounds Sterling), 420 grams for €2.10 (Euros) or 1.7 kilograms ¥29.32 (Chinese Yuan)?
This calculator makes these and many more calculations trivial by letting you choose your units (length, area, volume, weight and even currency), enter your numbers and get a reliable answer. NOTE:All currencies whether input costs or output prices have a default of U.S. dollars (USD). However, the user can automatically convert this via the pull-down menu.
Related Calculators
To compute the amount of money or time needed to buy or produce a length, area, volume or weight amount based on the rate, using multiple currencies and base units (e.g. pounds and kilograms), see the Production Calc.