Ridge Shingle MEDIUM Price Survey
Roofing Ridge and Starter Shingle Cost Survey list the observed linear foot price for ridge shingles, starter shingles and starter strip. Unlike a bundle of three-tab shingles, which is equal to roughly (33.33 ft2) or one third of a square (100 ft2), ridge shingles and starter shingles and starter strips are sold in various lengths. For this reason, this survey data provides to the cost in U.S. dollars per linear foot. The survey includes a date, the name of the store and three price points for ridge shingles, starter shingles and starter strips. The three price points are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW. Since starter shingles and starter strips serve the same purpose, they are combined.
The following prices per linear foot for different price points of asphalt ridge and starter shingles in the United States:
- Ridge and Starter Shingle Price Survey Online Source : Lowes
- Ridge and Starter Shingle Price Survey Date: 12/28/22.
- Cost of High Priced Ridge Shingles: $3.51 USD / ft.
- Cost of Medium Priced Ridge Shingles: $2.4 USD / ft.
- Cost of LOW Price Ridge Shingles: $1.42 USD / ft.
- Cost of High Priced Starter Shingles: $1.47 USD / ft.
- Cost of Medium Priced Starter Shingles: $0.93 USD / ft.
- Cost of LOW Grade Starter Shingles: $0.4 USD / ft.
NOTE: Local pricing should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be used! These price points are for estimation convenience only, and there is no guarantee on the prices of the product nor of their availability at the listed price.