The Size of a Garden or Field calculator computes the area of a patch of land with four straight sides (a quadrilateral) given the length of the four sides and the length of a diagonal between opposing corners.
four sided garden or field
INSTRUCTIONS: Start in one corner of your garden, and measure the length of the four sides (a,b,c,d). Then from the original corner, measure the diagonal (D) to the far corner. See diagram. Use the measurements and enter the following:
- (a) Length of Side a
- (b) Length of Side b
- (c) Length of Side c
- (d) Length of Side d
- (D) Length of Diagonal (See Diagram)
The Area (A) is computed in square feet (ft2). However, the calculator allows the user to choose different units (e.g. yards, meters, miles) and the calculator accounts for the different units in computing the area. Furthermore, the output units can also be automatically converted to square meters and many more units via the pull down menu next to the answer.
Size of Land Calculators
Walking Measurements
For large measurements, it may be hard to accurately measure the length of the garden or field because you have no measuring device to make the long measurements. In this case, an estimate can be achieved by using paces. To do this you first have to make a good estimate of measurement of a regular pace while in stride. To do this, put a mark on the ground, and step back several paces. Start walking to the mark, and start counting some number of paces past the mark (e.g. 10). A that point, stop and measure the length. For example a man of six feet tall with a normal stride walked 14 paces in 40 feet. That gave him a feet per pace of 2.857 feet per pace. To compute the Feet per Pace, CLICK HERE. You can then walk off the measurements, using a steady pace, and convert the Paces to Feet by CLICKING HERE. It's a rough estimation method, but not without it's uses.
Number of Posts and Rails: Computes the number of fence posts and rails needed for a length of wood fencing.
- Post and Rail Fence Cost Estimate : Computes material costs for post and rail fence based on the number of posts and rails (above) and unit cost pricing.
- Wire Fence Materials: Computes the materials needed for a high tension fence.
- Wire Fence Cost Estimate Computes the materials and costs of a high tension wire fence.
- Labor Cost for Posts : Computes the approximate cost of labor in digging and setting fence posts based on the length of the fence, uniform distance between posts, method of digging (by hand, power auger) and the hourly labor pay rate (DPH).
- Perimeter of a Rectangular Shaped Area computes the length of a fence perimeter in a rectangular shaped area base on the length (l) and width (w) of the area.
- Diagonal of Rectangle Area computes the diagonal measurement of a rectangular area. This is useful in ensuring that your area has square corners.
- Three Sided Land Fencing: Computes the number of fencing segments or posts needed to go around a three sided fence area.
- Circular Fence Calc computes the diameter, number of posts, rails, perimeter and area of a circular shaped fenced area (paddock).
- Fencing Needed for Polygon Area: Computes the area and side length enclosed within a polygon (e.g. octagon) shaped area (paddock).
- Area Fenced in Polygon: Computes the area enclosed in polygon (e.g., 12 sided) fence area based on the length and number of individual sides.
- Fencing Needed for Circular Area
computes the number of posts, number of sections, sides or panels, number of rail boards, perimeter and area of a ROUGHLY CIRCULAR shaped area (paddock) based on a diameter and length of sides.
- Number of Posts needed for a Wood Fence: Computes the number of posts needed for a length of fence based on the spacing.
- Number of Rails needed for a Wood Fence: Computes the number of rails needed for a length of fence based on the length of the rails and number of rows.
For other area calculators, see the following: