The Conversion of Kc to Kp calculator uses the formula Kp = Kc * RT(n-n0) to compute an equilibrium constant in terms of pressure by using an equilibrium constant in terms of molarity.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
Equilibrium Constant (Kp): The calculator returns the equilibrium constant (Kp) in kilo-pascals. However, this can be automatically converted to other pressure units via the pull-down menu.
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Note: in this formula, only gaseous substances are taken in to consideration. Aqueous species are taken into account when calculating other equilibrium constants, but this equation focuses specifically on gaseous species with partial pressures.
Equilibrium constants can be used to predict the direction that a reaction will proceed, and is useful in chemistry, biology, and biochemistry. When K > 1, equilibrium favors the products, and when K < 1, equilibrium favors the reactants.
The formula to compute the equilibrium constant in terms of pressure (pascals) is as follows:
Kp = Kc * RT(n-n0)
Whitten, et al. "Chemistry" 10th Edition. Pp. 734