The Kitchen Units converts a volume of any units into its equivalent in kitchen measuring cup and spoon units of gallons, quarts, pints, cups(whole, half and quarter), tablespoons and teaspoon. English Volume Units
(approximate SI equivalents)
INSTRUCTION: Choose units and enter the following;
Kitchen Units (KU): The calculator return the approximate amount of gallons, quarts, pints, cups, tablespoons and teaspoons that approximately equal the volume entered.
The English volume units of gallons, quarts, pints, cups, tablespoon and teaspoon are still used in different applications and locations. This utility allows the user to enter a volume in any of the vCalc system volume units, and converts it to the equivalent of gallons, quarts, pints, cups, tablespoon and teaspoon.
Many times people will encounter volume measurements like 2.5 liters for a certain application. However, many people do not have a measuring cup or other tool to let one accurately measure the volume (2.5 liters). In the U.S., however, many people will have simple kitchen utensils (measuring cups and spoons) that could be employed. This utility will let the user enter any volume, and return the number of utensil units that are the equivalent. In the example of 2.5 liters, this utility returns quarts(2), pints(1), cups(0), 1/2cups(1), 1/4cups(0), tbs(1), tsp(0.21).
Farmers often run into this challenge when they are provided volumes of substances (pesticides or fertilizers) that are needed. Often they are on a per acre scale, but reduced to smaller volumes for gardens, greenhouses or high-tunnels. This utility helps with those conversions.
vCalc will then compute the number of gallons, quarts, pints and cups that sum up to the equivalent volume entered. The answer for the example is Cups(1) 1/2 Cups(1) Tbsp(3) tsp(1.2), meaning 1 Cup plus 1/2 Cup plus 3 tablespoons plus1.2 teaspoons.
Input Units: