The Zimbabwe Mosi-oa-Tunya Gold Coin Value calculator estimates the value of a number of 1 ounce Zimbabwe Gold coins based on their gold content, the current spot price of gold and a percent production cost.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
- (n) Number of Coins
- (PC) Production Cost (default: 5%)
Market Value (MV): The calculator returns the value of the coin(s) in U.S. dollars, Euros, Canadian dollars, Great Britain Pounds, Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, and Indian Rupees. It also returns the weight of the coins. All of these can be automatically converted to compatible units via the pull-down menu.
The Math / Science
The purity of the Zimbabwe Mosi-oa-Tunya coins is 0.9167 pure (22-carat) and weighs 1 troy ounce. This calculator uses that purity, the weight of the coin, and the current spot price of gold to compute a bullion value per gold coin. It then ads a numismatic adder per coin and then multiplies it by the number of coins.
- Weight: 1.0 troy_ounce
- Purity: 0.9167
- Production Cost (nominally 5%)
With a 5% production cost, the current value of a Mosi-oa-Tunya Gold coin is $3026.22 USD.
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- 20 Italian Gold Lira Coin Market Value
- 100 Austrian Corona
- Zimbabwe 1 oz Gold Coin Value: Computes the value of a Mosi-oa-Tunya coin based on the current spot price of gold and a mint adder.
- Gold Value: Computes the value of gold based on the weight, karat purity, a refiner's fee and a fee to the retailer (jeweler).
- Alloy Value: Computes the value of platinum, palladium, silver or gold based on the weight, percent purity, a refiner's fee and a fee to the retailer (jeweler).
- Gold SPOT: The value of a gram, penny weight or troy ounce of gold bullion (.9999) in U.S. dollars or other currencies.
- Density of Gold: Mean density of gold bullion (.9999).