The Pipe Drop calculator computes the drop needed at the end of a run for a pipe to be laid with a desired grade.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
(G) Drop per 12" (e.g., 1/8" = 0.125 1/4" = 0.25 1/2" = 0.5)
(R) Run of Pipe
(W) Outer width of the pipe
(x) Adder
Depth of Trench (D): The calculator returns the depth in inches. However, this can be automatically converted to compatible units via the pull-down menu.
The Math / Science
For a waist pipe to drain properly, there needs to be slope with a drop of 1/4" to 1/2" inch for every foot (12") of run. With less of a slope, there is inadequate drainage. With more slope, the liquids drain too fast and leave the solids behind.
The depth (d) of the fall is a function of the Run (R) and the grade (G):
Rolling Offsets (Run and Travel) – The Rolling OffsetRolling Offset LengthsPipe Grading function computes the run and travel length a rolling offset based on the offsets and fittings. (see diagram).
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