The Weight of Fluid in a Spherical Container calculator computes the mass or weight of water or any substance (liquid or loose granular) contained in a spherical container based on the depth of the substance, the diameter of the spherical container and the mean density of the substance.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose units and enter the following:
(d) Depth of Liquid in Tank.
(D) Diameter of Interior of Tank
(H) Height of Tank
(mD) Mean density of the substance in the tank (default for water)
Mass or Weight of Spherical Tank (M): The mass of the sphere is returned in kilograms. However this can be automatically converted to other mass and weight units via the pull-down menu. The calculator also returns the following:
(M) Weight of Contents in Kilograms
(CV) Volume of Contents in Liters
(CxV) Container Max Volume in Liters
(CxM) Container Max Weight in Kilograms
(SA)Surface Area of Contents in Square Meters (m²)
Mean density is the average amount of mass within a volume for a substance. Note, volume of a material is often highly subject to the temperatures, since materials expand as they warm. For that reason, mean densities of substances are often cited with a set of nominal conditions such as temperature and barometric pressure.
Mean density is also often indicated as the Greek symbol rho (ρ).
The mean density of fluids can be useful since fluids (liquids and gases) conform to the shape of their containers. This is why it is possible to use the mean density of a substance and the dimensions of its container to estimate the weight/mass of the substance in the container.
It then computes the mass by multiplying the volume by the mean density (mD) to provide an estimate of the mass or weight of the contents of the container.
Other Container Calculators
For similar calculations with other shaped containers, click on the following:
Total or Partial Load Weight of a Spherical Container. For the total load weight, simply indicated the same value for the measure depth (D) of the substance to equal twice the radius (R) of the container. (See diagram)
The Mean Density of many substances (metals, mineral, chemicals, gases, woods, agricultural products, liquids and types of earths) can be looked up by CLICKING HERE. Or you can see these formulas and other useful measurements all combined in one TRUCKING calculator.
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This equation, Weight of Fluid in Spherical Container, references 2 pages