Vehicle Calculators
Approach (Departure) Angle:
Computes the maximum angle of a ramp onto which a vehicle can climb without scraping.
Degree to Percent Grade
Converts a grade to a degree angle.
Camber angle
- Wheel camber (tilt) calculation of angle
Camber offset
- Wheel camber (tilt) calculation of offset
Breakover Angle
maximum angle that a vehicle can drive over without the ground touching the vehicle's undercarriage.
Time to Overtake
: Computes the time for one object to overtake another.
Distance to Overtake
: Computes distance traveled to overtake another.
Speed to Overtake
: Computes the average velocity to overtake another.
Distance Traveled
: Computes the distance traveled over a period of time.
Speed from Skid Marks
: Estimates the speed of a vehicle based on length of skid marks.
Braking Distance
Estimates distance to stop a vehicle based on initial velocity and braking coefficient.
Total Stopping Distance
: C
omputes the distance to stop a vehicle based on the initial velocity, reaction time and a braking coefficient.
Speed from the Braking Distance
: E
stimates the initial speed based on the distance to stop a vehicle and the a braking coefficient.
Used Car Price Comparison
: Estimates the better value between two vehicles based on their mileage, cost and expected lifespan (miles).
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