The Least-squares Trend Line calculator computes the regression line, a linear equation, through a set of X and Y values. This is also known as simple linear regression. The Least-square Equation produces this linear equation in the form y = a + bx.
INSTRUCTIONS: Enter the following:
(X,Y) Tabular Data of X,Y pairs (see Example right)
(OC) Output Choice (Trend Line, Details)
Least-squares Trend Line (Y = a + bX): The calculator computes the Least-square Trend Line, correlation coefficient (r) and supporting calculation details:
`b = ( (sum(XY) - (sumX * sumY)"/n")) / (sum(X^2) - (sumX)^2"/n") ` and ` a = MY - b*MX` MY is mean of Y. MX is mean of X.
To determine if there is a correlation between X and Y, the calculator computes the correlation coefficient (r). The range of r is -1 ≤ r ≤ 1, with the strongest correlations the further one gets from zero, either negative or positive. The formula for the correlation coefficient (r) is as follows:
`r = b * (sum(X^2)- sum(X)^2"/n")/(sum(Y^2)- sum(Y)^2"/n")`
Observational Stats: This function accepts a table (rows and columns separated by commas) of numbers and calculates observational statistics for any of the columns. This includes count, min, max, sum, sum of squares (Σx²), square of the sum (Σx)², mean, median, mode, range, mid point, rand, sort up, sort down, rand, population variance, population standard deviation, the sample/experimental variance, sample/experimental standard deviation.
Simple Stats: This is also provides a full set of observational stats, but on a single row of numbers separated by commas. The observational stats include count, min, max, sum, sum of squares (Σx²), square of the sum (Σx)², mean, median, mode, range, mid point, rand, sort up, sort down, rand, population variance, population standard deviation, the sample/experimental variance, sample/experimental standard deviation.
Frequency Distribution: This function lets you enter a string of numbers separated by commas, a low and high range and a number of bins. It then computes how many of the observations are in each of the bins between the high and low values designated.
Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test: This provides the Wilcoxon statistics and critical value for two groups of numeric observations based on an alpha value and whether it's a one or two tailed test.
Linear Equation: This computes the range (y) of a linear equation (y = mx +b) and includes a graphing function.
Probability between z SCORES: This computes the area under the Normal Distribution curve between two z SCOREs which equates to the probability of an event in that range.
Count: This computes the number (n) of observations in a set of numbers.
Minimum: This computes the minimum (min) value in a set of numbers.
Maximum: This computes the maximum (max) value in a set of numbers.
Numeric Sort: This sorts (ascending or descending) a set of comma separated numerical observations.
Random Sample (k items): The provides a random subset of a specified size (k) in a set of comma separated numerical observations.
Random Real Number in Range: The provides a random real number between two specified real numbers (upper and lower bounds).
Radom Integer: The provides a random integer between two specified integers (upper and lower bounds).
Frequency Distribution: This provides a frequency distribution table for a comma separated set of numbers with a specified number of frequency bins between a lower and upper data range.
Sample Variance (s2) : This computes the variance, a metric regarding the spread of values, for a sample set of numeric values within a greater population.
Sample Standard Deviation (s): This computes the standard deviation for a sample set of numeric values within a greater population.
z SCORE Formula: This computes the z SCORE for a value base on the mean and standard deviation.
z SCORE: This computes the z SCORE for a value (Raw Score) based on a set of values, and whether that set is sample or population.
Percentile: This computes the percentile of a value (y) in a set (X) of values.
Percent Relative Standard Deviation (%RSD): This computes the percent relative standard deviation, also known as the coefficient of variation (CV). The %RSD is a measure of the dispersion of a probability distribution.
Dowdy, Shirley, and Stanley Wearden. Statistics for Research. N.p.: John Wiley & Sons, n.d. Print.(Chapter 9 Distributions of Paired Variables)
This equation, least-squares trend line, references 0 pages
Equations and Data Items
This equation, least-squares trend line, is used in 6 pages