
Stats Calc

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Dec 12, 2023, 12:40:22 PM
Created by
Nov 11, 2013, 12:16:10 PM

The Statistics Calculator provides college level statistics functionality.    Frequency Distribution/attachments/c6732b2c-3285-11e3-8029-bc764e049c3d/FreqDist.pngThis includes observation stats (min, max, mean, median, population and sample variance and standard deviation), sort, random sample, t-test, linear regression and more.  See the following:

How to Enter Data

The functions in this calculator accept comma separated values.  If the data has one dimension, it can be entered via one row of comma separated values such as this:


If the data has multiple dimensions and is in table form, the functions accept comma separated rows of values.  For example, one could enter the following information in two columns.  It matches the Linear Regression data shown in the graphic.


One could also upload the same data from a .CSV text file in the same format.

The Math / Science

The formulas for the statistics are as follows:


     `S = sum_1^n(x)`

square of the sum

      (Σx)² = S²

sum of squares (Σx²)

      Σx² = `sum_1^n(x^2)`


  • mean:     `mu = (sum(x))/n`  where n is the number of observations
  • median:  middle value if in an odd number of observations.  If there is an even number of observations, it's the average of the two middle values.
  • mode:  the most repeated observation.
  • mid-point:  `mp = (min + max)/2`


  • Population Variance: `sigma^2 = (sum_1^n(x_n-mu)^2)/n`
  • Sample Variance:       `sigma^2 = (sum_1^n(x_n-mu)^2)/(n-1)`

standard deviation

  • Population Standard Deviation:   `sigma = sqrt((sum_1^n(x_n-mu)^2)/n)`
  • Sample Standard Deviation:         `sigma = sqrt((sum_1^n(x_n-mu)^2)/(n-1))`


  • Permutations:                                nPr = ` (n!)/((n-r)!)`
  • Circular Permutations:                 Pc(n,r) = ` (n!)/(r(n-r)!)`
  • Permutations with repetitions:   Pr(n) = nr


  • Combinations:                                    nCk= ` (n!)/(k!(n-k)!)`
  • Combinations with repetitions:      Cr(n, k) = ` ((n+k-1)!)/(k!(n-1)!)`


The formula for the z SCORE is as follows:

     `z_y =   (y - μ_X)/s`   where:

        - y is the single observation
        - μ is the mean
        - s is the sample or population standard deviation.

Least-squares Linear Regression

The formula for the least-squared regression line is in the following form:   y = a + bx

                      where:  `b = (  (sum(XY) - (sumX * sumY)"/n")) / (sum(X^2) - (sumX)^2"/n") `

                          and:  ` a = MY - b*MX`           MY is mean of Y.  MX is mean of X.

Statistics Calculators

Economics Calculators

Growth Calculators


Thanks to Dr. Richard (Rich) D. Platt, Associate Professor of Psychology at St Mary's College of Maryland, for his advice and testing.  Special thanks to Ms. Caroline Robertson for getting this library of equations off the ground.

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