This library contains subcategories for chapters in the general physics textbook, Light and Matter by Dr. Benjamin Crowell. Each chapter and sub-chapter has a dedicated web page that includes the complete open-source text and graphics. However, these pages also have the unique feature of vCalc enabled formulas. Wherever the user sees a solvable formula, vCalc has activated a link behind the formula that pops-up a calculator with that formula pre-loaded. This give the student of physics the ability to use the formula in an accurate calculator at the moment they encounter it. You can try different input values and see how the outputs vary. Furthermore, at the top of every page is a formulary box containing a quick reference to all of the formulas that appear in the chapter. This formulary box is useful for homework assignments associated with that chapter.
Note that Light and Matter has been adopted by a number of high schools, colleges and universities. Please let vCalc know if your high school, college or university has chosen to adopt Light and Matter.
Special thanks to Dr. Crowell for his open source physics textbook, Light and Matter.